A 50 ton overhead crane is used for lifting and moving heavy duty materials in both indoor and outdoor environments. There are many cranes with 50 ton rated lifting capacities in the marketplace and prices vary depending on the lifting mechanism and extra features. If a 50 ton crane is going to be installed indoors, it may be able to take advantage of existing supporting building structures within a warehouse, which can reduce costs. If the crane is going to be used outside, you will generally need to invest in an independent beam support structure. Some of the application solutions of heavy-duty cranes include container handling, coil handling, warehousing retrieval, forestry industry product handling and more.

Electric cranes that are used for loading and unloading cargo ships tend to require large overhead traveling support structures. That said, indoor cranes used in large warehouse facilities can be just as large as those found on international cargo shipping yards. It’s important to purchase a model that matches the needs of your business. The lifting capacity is just one of many factors you need to take into consideration when looking for a 50 ton overhead crane used for heavy-duty materials lifting and moving.
Questions To Ask When Comparing Heavy Duty Overhead Cranes
– What is the maximum lifting capacity?
– What is the maximum hoist lift height?
– Can the bridge be used indoors, outdoors, or in both environments?
– Is the bridge self-supported or does it rely on existing building supports?
– How is the device powered? Push-pull, hand geared or all motorized?
– If the device is motorized, how fast is it? Does it support variable frequency drives? Does it have single or dual speeds?
– Does the model have any special features, such as horns, cabs, lights, and walkways?
– What is the control mechanism? Remote control, separate track or pendant from hoist?
– What power voltages are required for operation?
– What is the length of the travel runway?
– What is the span?

Overseas Suppliers
When searching for 50 ton overhead cranes for sale online, you will most likely find that some of the best-priced equipment is available from overseas suppliers. Crane suppliers in China, for example, are typically able to provide high-quality models at much lower prices than domestic rivals. Furthermore, such suppliers have worldwide distribution networks, so you can order a 50-ton crane regardless of where your business currently resides. For custom-built bridge cranes, you will generally have to contact the supplier to request pricing.
Installation And Load Testing
Top-quality cranes are engineered to be fast and easy to assemble and install. Many businesses choose to invest in professional installation and loading testing services to ensure their cranes are erected and commissioned by experts. Certified load testing is vital to guarantee the safe function of an overhead crane and installation. Regular crane and hoist inspections are also essential for ensuring safe operations. Many 50-ton crane manufacturers have industrial trained certified service technicians who can visit your site and help with assembly, inspection, and maintenance of your equipment.